NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming

NLP is short for Neuro Linguistic Programming which deals with the fundamental interaction of our brain and neurology (neuro) and language (linguistics) and how the interaction effects our being and our learned behaviours (programming).  When we can understand how the mind and body's neurology work, we can better achieve more effective thoughts and behaviours.  It utilises a set of tools / techniques that enable you to take charge of your emotional, physical and spiritual responses and thereby restructure the way your brain thinks and your body reacts and behaves, by aligning the conscious with the unconscious mind and body to create unity and harmony.

NLP is one way to develop, understand and expand your own manual.

Often called Neuro Linguistic Repatterning

NLP comprises a set of tools and techniques to help you be more aware of your thinking patterns that get in your way. It then helps you shift your perspectives, your paradigms. It broadens your mind to creating many more choices, more alternatives so you can change your thinking and thus your life.


Contact Anna here to book your first consultation.